

In progress

17 %

Current available tracks:

Arabian Nights – Playoffunderscorefull orchestra
Into Jasmine’s Roomunderscorefull orchestra
Proud of Your Boybacking trackfull orchestra
Palace Walls – Playoffunderscorefull orchestra
A Million Miles Awaybacking trackfull orchestra
A Whole New Worldbacking trackfull orchestra
High Adventurebacking trackfull orchestra
Someone Makes Goodunderscorefull orchestra


Full show and album set available. Full show includes a folder with merged tracks labeled direct segue. Album set includes tracks as listed on the Broadway cast albums.

Opening Fanfare and Opening Scenebacking trackfull orchestra
Once Upon a Decemberbacking trackfull orchestra
The Last Dance of the Romanovsunderscorefull orchestra
A Rumour in St. Petersburgbacking trackfull orchestra
After A Rumour in St. Petersburgunderscorefull orchestra
In My Dreamsbacking trackfull orchestra
After In My Dreamsunderscorefull orchestra
The Rumours Never Endbacking track in multiple partsfull orchestra
Learn to Do Itbacking track in multiple parts (show version)full orchestra
Learn to Do Itbacking track in one part (album version)full orchestra
Learn to Do It (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
The Neva Flowsbacking trackfull orchestra
Scene and Transition after The Neva Flowsunderscorefull orchestra
The Neva Flows (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
My Petersburgbacking trackfull orchestra
Once Upon a December (Ensemble)backing trackfull orchestra
A Secret She Keptbacking trackfull orchestra
Vlad Underscore and Transition to Train Stationunderscorefull orchestra
Stay, I Pray Youbacking track in multiple partsfull orchestra
We’ll Go From Therebacking trackfull orchestra
Jump!underscorefull orchestra
Travelling Sequencebacking trackfull orchestra
Stillbacking trackfull orchestra
Still Playoffunderscorefull orchestra
Journey to the Pastbacking trackfull orchestra
Paris Holds the Key (to Your Heart)backing trackfull orchestra
Paris Holds the Key (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Close the Doorbacking trackfull orchestra
Before Land of Yesterdayunderscorefull orchestra
Land of Yesterdaybacking trackfull orchestra
The Countess and the Common Manbacking trackfull orchestra
Reprises “Countess” and “Land of Yesterday”backing trackfull orchestra
A Nightmareunderscorefull orchestra
In a Crowd of Thousandsbacking trackfull orchestra
Arriving at the Ballet – Meant to Bebacking trackfull orchestra
Quartet at the Balletbacking trackfull orchestra
Everything to Winbacking trackfull orchestra
Transition to Hotel Roomunderscorefull orchestra
Anya Hotel Underscoreunderscorefull orchestra
Once Upon a December (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
The Press Conferencebacking trackfull orchestra
Everything to Win (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Still – The Neva Flows (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Finalebacking trackfull orchestra
Bowsunderscorefull orchestra
Exit Musicunderscorefull orchestra

Beauty and the Beast

Full show and album set available. Full show includes a folder with merged tracks labeled direct segue. Album set includes tracks as listed on the Broadway cast albums.

Overtureunderscorefull orchestra
Prologueunderscorefull orchestra
Bellebacking trackfull orchestra
Belle – Playoffunderscorefull orchestra
Maurice’s Entranceunderscorefull orchestra
No Matter Whatbacking trackfull orchestra
No Matter What – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Wolf Chase #1underscorefull orchestra
Maurice and the Beastunderscorefull orchestra
Gaston’s Crossoverunderscorefull orchestra
Mebacking trackfull orchestra
Belle – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Then I’ll Find Him Myselfunderscorefull orchestra
Belle in Castleunderscorefull orchestra
Homebacking trackfull orchestra
Home – Tagbacking trackfull orchestra
Gastonbacking trackfull orchestra
Gaston – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
How Long Must This Go On?backing trackfull orchestra
Be Our Guestbacking trackfull orchestra
Belle in the West Wingunderscorefull orchestra
If I Can’t Love Herbacking trackfull orchestra
Entr’acteunderscorefull orchestra
Wolf Chase #2underscorefull orchestra
Something Therebacking trackfull orchestra
Human Againbacking trackfull orchestra
Maison des Lunesbacking trackfull orchestra
Before ‘Beauty and the Beast’underscorefull orchestra
Beauty and the Beastbacking trackfull orchestra
Beast Lets Belle Gounderscorefull orchestra
If I Can’t Love Her – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
A Change in Mebacking trackfull orchestra
Show Me the Beastunderscorefull orchestra
The Mob Songbacking trackfull orchestra
The Battleunderscorefull orchestra
Fight on the Towerunderscorefull orchestra
Is This Home – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Transformation / Finale Ultimobacking trackfull orchestra
Bowsunderscorefull orchestra
Exit Musicunderscorefull orchestra


In progress

74 %

Current available tracks:

Overtureunderscorefull orchestra
Prologuebacking trackfull orchestra
To the Castle!underscorefull orchestra
Cinderella Entersunderscorefull orchestra
Topher Rides Offunderscorefull orchestra
The Parade of Purchases (Cinderella March)underscore in multiple partsfull orchestra
In My Own Little Cornerbacking trackfull orchestra
In My Own Little Corner – Tag / Your Majestyunderscorefull orchestra
The Throne Roomunderscorefull orchestra
Venetian Glassunderscorefull orchestra
Off to the Ball (The Mad Dash)underscorefull orchestra
In My Own Little Corner – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Impossiblebacking trackfull orchestra
Transformationsunderscorefull orchestra
Glass Slippersunderscorefull orchestra
It’s Possiblebacking trackfull orchestra
Into the Palaceunderscorefull orchestra
Gavotteunderscorefull orchestra
Ridiculeunderscorefull orchestra
Kindnessunderscorefull orchestra
Ten Minutes Agobacking trackfull orchestra
Waltz For a Ballunderscorefull orchestra
Time Change and Ten Minutes Ago (Final Vocal)backing trackfull orchestra
Midnightunderscorefull orchestra
Entr’acteunderscorefull orchestra
Stepsister’s Lamentbacking trackfull orchestra
Call to Armsbacking trackfull orchestra
The Pursuitunderscorefull orchestra
When You’re Driving Through the Moonlightbacking trackfull orchestra
A Lovely Nightbacking trackfull orchestra
It Was You Tonight, Wasn’t It?underscorefull orchestra
A Lovely Night – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Loneliness of Eveningbacking trackfull orchestra
Madame Rips the Dressunderscorefull orchestra
There’s Music in Youbacking trackfull orchestra
King Topherunderscorefull orchestra
Do I Love You Because You’re Beautifulbacking trackfull orchestra
Midnight Againunderscorefull orchestra
Eight O’Clock and All is Wellunderscorefull orchestra
Ella in Ragsunderscore in mutiple partsfull orchestra
The Proposalunderscorefull orchestra
The Weddingbacking trackfull orchestra
Bowsunderscorefull orchestra


In progress

45 %

Current available tracks:

Alle Tanzten Mit Dem Todbacking trackfull orchestra
Wie Dubacking trackfull orchestra
Nichts Ist Schwerbacking trackfull orchestra
Alle Fragen Sind Gestelltbacking trackfull orchestra
Liebe Mit Gaffernbacking trackfull orchestra
Ich Gehör’ Nur Mirbacking trackfull orchestra
Stationen Einer Ehebacking trackfull orchestra
Debrezinunderscorefull orchestra
Die Schatten Werden Längerbacking trackfull orchestra
Kind Oder Nicht!backing trackfull orchestra
Elisabeth, Mach Aufbacking trackfull orchestra
Ich Gehör’ Nur Mir (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Alle Fragen Sind Gestellt (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Éljenbacking trackfull orchestra
Wenn Ich Tanzen Willbacking trackfull orchestra
Die Maladiebacking trackfull orchestra
Die Schatten Werden Länger (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Totenklagebacking trackfull orchestra
Mein Neues Sortimentbacking trackfull orchestra
Boote in der Nachtbacking trackfull orchestra
Der Schleier Fälltbacking trackfull orchestra

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

In progress

39 %

Current available tracks:

Olimbacking trackfull orchestra
The Bells of Notre Dame (Part 1)backing trackfull orchestra
The Bells of Notre Dame (Part 2)backing trackfull orchestra
The Bells of Notre Dame (Part 3)backing trackfull orchestra
Sanctuarybacking trackfull orchestra
Out Therebacking trackfull orchestra
The Bells of Notre Dame (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
God Help the Outcastsbacking trackfull orchestra
Top of the Worldbacking trackfull orchestra
Heaven’s Lightbacking trackfull orchestra
Hellfirebacking trackfull orchestra
Entr’actebacking trackfull orchestra
In a Place of Miraclesbacking trackfull orchestra
Somedaybacking trackfull orchestra or
piano accompaniment
Top of the World (Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Esmeralda (Frollo Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Finale Ultimobacking trackfull orchestra

The Last Five Years

In progress

19 %

Current available tracks:

Prologueunderscorefull band
Still Hurtingbacking trackfull band
I Can Do Better Than Thatbacking trackfull band

Les Misérables

In progress

68 %

Current available tracks:

Prologue – Look Downbacking trackfull orchestra
Prologue – On Parolebacking trackfull orchestra
Prologue – The Bishopbacking trackfull orchestra
Valjean’s Soliloquybacking trackfull orchestra
At the End of the Daybacking trackfull orchestra
I Dreamed a Dreambacking trackfull orchestra
Lovely Ladiesbacking track in multiple partsfull orchestra
Runaway Cartbacking trackfull orchestra
Who Am I?backing trackfull orchestra
Fantine’s Deathbacking trackfull orchestra
The Confrontationbacking trackfull orchestra
Master of the Housebacking trackfull orchestra
The Wellbacking trackfull orchestra
Look Downbacking trackfull orchestra
Starsbacking trackfull orchestra
Gavroche’s Remarksbacking trackfull orchestra
Eponine’s Errandbacking trackfull orchestra
The ABC Café (Red and Black)backing trackfull orchestra
Do You Hear the People Singbacking trackfull orchestra
In My Lifebacking trackfull orchestra
A Heart Full of Lovebacking trackfull orchestra
The Attack on Rue Plumetbacking trackfull orchestra
One Day Morebacking trackfull orchestra
Building the Barricadebacking trackfull orchestra
On My Ownbacking trackfull orchestra
At the Barricadebacking trackfull orchestra
Javert at the Barricadebacking trackfull orchestra
A Little Fall of Rainbacking trackfull orchestra
Night of Anguishbacking trackfull orchestra
The First Attackbacking trackfull orchestra
Valjean’s Revengebacking trackfull orchestra
Drink With Mebacking trackfull orchestra
Bring Him Homebacking trackfull orchestra
The Final Battlebacking trackfull orchestra
The Aftermathunderscorefull orchestra
The Sewersunderscorefull orchestra
Turningbacking trackfull orchestra
Empty Chairs at Empty Tablesbacking trackfull orchestra
Every Daybacking trackfull orchestra
Valjean’s Confessionbacking trackfull orchestra
Epiloguebacking track in multiple partsfull orchestra
Finalebacking trackfull orchestra

The Lion King

In progress

19 %

Current available tracks:

Circle of Lifebacking trackfull orchestra
Pridelandsunderscorefull orchestra
Grasslandsbacking trackfull orchestra
Circle Underscoreunderscore in multiple partsfull orchestra
They Live in Youbacking trackfull orchestra
Shadowlandbacking trackfull orchestra
Under the Starsunderscorefull orchestra
Endless Nightbacking trackfull orchestra

The Little Mermaid (Broadway)

In progress

72 %

Current available tracks:

Prologueunderscorefull orchestra
Fathoms Belowbacking trackfull orchestra
Triton’s Courtunderscore in multiple partsfull orchestra
Daughters of Tritonbacking trackfull orchestra
Where’s Arielunderscore in multiple partsfull orchestra
The World Abovebacking trackfull orchestra
I’ll Race You!underscorefull orchestra
Out of Ursulaunderscorefull orchestra
Into the Grottounderscorefull orchestra
Part of Your Worldbacking trackfull orchestra
The Stormbacking trackfull orchestra
Part of Your World Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
She’s in Lovebacking trackfull orchestra
Flounder Foundersunderscorefull orchestra
Her Voicebacking trackfull orchestra
After Her Voiceunderscorefull orchestra
The World Above (Triton Reprise)backing trackfull orchestra
Under the Seabacking trackfull orchestra
After Underbacking trackfull orchestra
Poor Unfortunate Soulsbacking trackfull orchestra
Finale – Act 1backing trackfull orchestra
Entr’Acteunderscorefull orchestra
New Legsunderscorefull orchestra
Look Who Got Beachedunderscore in multiple partsfull orchestra
On the Beachunderscorefull orchestra
Happy Gullsbacking trackfull orchestra
Au Bal du Toiletteunderscorefull orchestra
Beyond My Wildest Dreamsbacking trackfull orchestra
The Banquet Hallunderscorefull orchestra
One Step Closerbacking trackfull orchestra
Good Nightunderscorefull orchestra
I Want the Good Times – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Kiss the Girlbacking trackfull orchestra
Sweet Child – Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Sebastian’s Adviceunderscorefull orchestra
If Only – Quartetbacking trackfull orchestra
Most Merciful Tritonunderscorefull orchestra
Ursula’s Demisebacking trackfull orchestra
If Only – Triton Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Eric Proposesunderscorefull orchestra
Finale Ultimobacking trackfull orchestra

The Little Mermaid (Revised)

In progress

70 %

Current available tracks:

The World Abovebacking trackfull orchestra
Oh No, the Concertunderscorefull orchestra
Daughters of Tritonbacking trackfull orchestra
Where’s Arielunderscorefull orchestra
If Only – Triton’s Lamentbacking trackfull orchestra
Ursula’s Lairunderscorefull orchestra
Part of Your Worldbacking trackfull orchestra
The Stormbacking trackfull orchestra
Part of Your World Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
She’s in Lovebacking trackfull orchestra
Her Voicebacking trackfull orchestra
After Her Voiceunderscorefull orchestra
After Underbacking trackfull orchestra
Take Me to Herunderscorefull orchestra
Grotto Destructionunderscorefull orchestra
If Only – Ariel’s Lamentbacking trackfull orchestra
Entr’Acteunderscorefull orchestra
New Legsunderscorefull orchestra
On the Beachunderscorefull orchestra
Positaggity backing trackfull orchestra
Au Bal de la Toiletteunderscorefull orchestra
Chez Louisunderscorefull orchestra
Les Poissons Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Les Poissons Mayhemunderscorefull orchestra
Good Nightunderscorefull orchestra
Back to Ursula’s Lairunderscorefull orchestra
Before Kiss the Girlunderscorefull orchestra
After Kiss the Girlunderscorefull orchestra
Grimsby’s Adviceunderscorefull orchestra
If Only – Quartetbacking trackfull orchestra
Before the Contestunderscorefull orchestra
Ariel Steps Forwardunderscorefull orchestra
Poor Unfortunate Souls Reprisebacking trackfull orchestra
Ursula’s Demiseunderscorefull orchestra
Ariel’s Transformationbacking trackfull orchestra
Finale Ultimobacking trackfull orchestra
Bowsunderscorefull orchestra
Exit Musicunderscorefull orchestra

The Phantom of the Opera

In progress

66 %

Current available tracks:

Prologue – Music Boxunderscorefull orchestra
Overtureunderscorefull orchestra
Hannibal – Part Ibacking trackfull orchestra
Hannibal – Part IIbacking trackfull orchestra
Think of Me (Carlotta)backing trackfull orchestra
Think of Me (Christine)backing trackfull orchestra
Angel of Musicbacking trackfull orchestra
Raoul’s Noteunderscorefull orchestra
Little Lottebacking trackfull orchestra
The Mirrorbacking trackfull orchestra
The Phantom of the Operabacking trackfull orchestra
Music of the Nightbacking trackfull orchestra
Organ Transitionunderscorefull orchestra
I Remember / Stranger Than You Dreamt Itbacking trackfull orchestra
Il Muto – Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laughbacking trackfull orchestra
Il Muto – Balletunderscorefull orchestra
All I Ask of Youbacking trackfull orchestra
All I Ask of You – Reprise Ibacking trackfull orchestra
All I Ask of You – Reprise IIbacking trackfull orchestra
Entr’acteunderscorefull orchestra
After Entr’acteunderscorefull orchestra
Masqueradebacking trackfull orchestra
Why So Silentbacking trackfull orchestra
Don Juan Rehearsalbacking trackfull orchestra
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Againbacking trackfull orchestra
Wandering Childbacking trackfull orchestra
The Point of No Return / All I Ask of You – Reprise IIIbacking trackfull orchestra
Down Once Morebacking trackfull orchestra
Track Down This Murdererbacking trackfull orchestra
Final Lairbacking trackfull orchestra
Playoutunderscorefull orchestra

Something Rotten!

In progress

9 %

Current available tracks:

The Black Deathbacking trackfull orchestra
I Love the Waybacking trackfull orchestra
Hard to Be the Bardbacking trackfull orchestra
Nigel’s Themebacking trackfull orchestra

Sweeney Todd

In progress

26 %

Current available tracks:

Preludeunderscorefull orchestra
Prologue: The Ballad of Sweeney Toddbacking trackfull orchestra
Transition Musicunderscorefull orchestra
Poor Thingbacking trackfull orchestra
My Friendsbacking track in multiple partsfull orchestra
Green Finch and Linnet Birdbacking trackfull orchestra
Ballad of Sweeney Toddbacking trackfull orchestra
Pretty Women (Part I)backing trackfull orchestra
Pretty Women (Part II)backing trackfull orchestra
Epiphanybacking trackfull orchestra
Not While I’m Aroundbacking trackfull orchestra
Final Scene (Part I)backing trackfull orchestra
Final Scene (Part II)backing trackfull orchestra
The Ballad of Sweeney Toddbacking trackfull orchestra


In progress

15 %

Current available tracks:

Overtureunderscorefull orchestra
In Every Agebacking trackfull orchestra
Lady’s Maidbacking trackfull orchestra
No Moon #1backing trackfull orchestra
Autumnunderscorefull orchestra
To the Lifeboatsbacking trackfull orchestra
Mr. Andrew’s Visionbacking trackfull orchestra
The Founderingunderscorefull orchestra
Finale – In Every Agebacking trackfull orchestra
Finale – Part IIbacking trackfull orchestra


In progress

79 %

Current available tracks:

Preludeunderscorefull band
Urinetownbacking trackfull band
It’s a Privilege to Pee (Intro)underscorefull band
It’s a Privilege to Peebacking trackfull band
It’s a Privilege to Pee (Lockstock Reprise)backing trackfull band
Intro Act I, Scene 2underscorefull band
Staff Entranceunderscorefull band
Mr. Cladwellbacking trackfull band
Privilege to Pee Playoffunderscorefull band
Cop Songbacking trackfull band
Apparitionsunderscorefull band
Follow Your Heartbacking trackfull band
After “Follow Your Heart”underscorefull band
Look at the Skybacking trackfull band
Sky Playoffunderscorefull band
Love Stingunderscorefull band
Don’t Be the Bunnybacking trackfull band
Sky Utilityunderscorefull band
Act I Finalebacking trackfull band
Run Freedom Runbacking track in multiple partsfull band
Freedom Playoffunderscorefull band
Follow Your Heart (Reprise)backing trackfull band
Follow Your Heart (Scene Change)underscorefull band
After Bobby’s Deathunderscorefull band
Tell Her I Love Herbacking trackfull band
I’m Not Sorry (Reprise)backing trackfull band
I See a Riverbacking trackfull band


In progress

8 %

Current available tracks:

I’m Not That Girlbacking trackfull orchestra
Defying Gravitybacking trackfull orchestra
No Good Deedbacking trackfull orchestra
For Goodbacking trackfull orchestra or
piano accompaniment